Monday, June 10, 2024

Cycling Workout Tips For Beginners

Cycling Workout Tips For Beginners

In this article, I’ll discuss some of the reasons you should take up cycling as a workout and also provide you with some interesting tips to get you started.

TIP #1 For Variety Try Cycling

In our previous post, we talked about Swimming for fitness, However, If you are feeling a bit waterlogged after all that swimming then you could try cycling for a bit of variety.  It provides you with a really intense, varied workout and the best part is it allows you to do a little exploring in the process.

Another thing I really like about cycling is that it allows you to explore your surroundings at the same time as getting a workout.  Jogging does this to a degree but you are limited by how far your legs can take you.

With cycling, you have a mini-adventure every time you go.  You can even make a full day out of it; plan a day of scenic cycling with a few interesting routes along the way.

TIP #2 Don’t Lose Your Head

Safety is key when it comes to cycling.  I know wearing a helmet might not fit your cool and trendy image but it’s a small price to pay to avoid permanent brain damage.

A rough off road track, a pothole in the road, a branch hanging from a tree or a driver who’s not paying attention to the road are just some of the potential hazards that can knock you off your bike.  Whilst I hope this never happens, protecting your head is essential just in case it does.

TIP #3 Bad Weather Cycling

Cycling is brilliant when the sun is shining and the sky is clear.  However, when the rain is pouring heavily or there’s ice on the roads it’s pretty much impossible to workout by cycling. So if you want to keep cycling all year round you should consider purchasing an indoor bicycle trainer.

These nifty pieces of kit allow you to take your regular bicycle and train on it indoors.  They offer a much more realistic ride than regular exercise bikes and varying levels of resistance so you can still push yourself to the limit when training indoors.

AfiaGhana is a Ghanaian Internet media, news, and entertainment Blog. We publish relevant informative content targeted not just at Africans but for people all around the world.
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