Sunday, June 9, 2024

What You Need To Know About Swimming for Fitness

Swimming for Fitness

If you want to improve your fitness workouts, then swimming is an excellent option.  It gives you a cardiovascular workout whilst also working your muscles.

In this article, I’ll be expanding your knowledge as to why I think swimming is an exercise worth considering and provide you with some useful tips to get you started. I’ll also be talking about the benefits of cycling and why you should include it in your everyday morning workout routine.

What You Need To Know About Swimming for Fitness

Benefits of Swimming

One of the very key things I like about swimming is that it gives you a full-body workout.  It’s a great cardio workout with one hour of moderate swimming burning 462 calories and one hour of intense swimming burning about 667 calories.

In addition to this, it gives all your major muscles a workout as the water provides resistance.  If you’re just starting out in the world of fitness there are very few other exercises that are this easy to pick up that also give you a dual-purpose workout.

Although swimming for fitness is a great cardiovascular workout that can also tone and build your muscles, it’s important to push yourself to fully benefit.  So to maximize the effectiveness of your swimming set yourself targets for improvement each week.

So maybe in the first week, your target can be to do 10 laps in one hour.  Then next week’s target will be to do 11 laps in one hour.  After 10 weeks of doing this, you’ll have doubled your effectiveness.

Protect Your Eyes While Swimming for Fitness

For some reason, a lot of people don’t like wearing goggles.  However, if you’re going to take your swimming seriously and go multiple times each week you need them to protect your eyes from chlorine or salt.

When buying your goggles make sure you get a decent pair.  Cheap goggles break very easily and fill up with water very quickly so paying for a good pair is a worthwhile investment.

Enjoy Music While You Swim

If you feel a bit bored in the pool you can always listen to music. If you’re planning to really focus on swimming and become the best you possibly can in this area then you can consider purchasing any of these waterproof headphones:

  • Hydroactive Waterproof Headphones
  • Swimbuds Sport Waterproof Earphones
  • The FINIS Duo
  • Pyle Marine Sport Waterproof Headphones

These will allow you to play your favorite tunes underwater and can really help give you that little bit of motivation you need when trying to beat your best lap time.

If you don’t like the gym but still want a multi-functional workout then swimming is one of the best things you can do to stay fit.  It works your muscles, it works your heart and it keeps you fit.  So get down to the pool, get some laps under your belt, and maximize your fitness.


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