Sunday, May 5, 2024

Traffic in Accra | Traffic Jams in Ghana’s Capital City

Traffic in Accra

Accra, Ghana’s capital city, can be congested and chaotic, especially during rush hour and in certain areas of the city. Accra’s road infrastructure, like that of many other developing-country cities, is not designed to keep up with the growing population and number of vehicles on the road.
This frequently causes traffic congestion and delays, particularly in the central business district and on major roads leading into and out of the city.

Furthermore, the city’s public transportation system is underdeveloped, and many residents rely on private cars and motorcycles, exacerbating the traffic issue.There is also a lack of traffic regulations and enforcement, which leads to some drivers breaking traffic laws and endangering other drivers and pedestrians. This includes illegal parking, failing to use turn signals, and driving recklessly.

The Ghanaian government has acknowledged Accra’s traffic problem and has made efforts to improve the situation by implementing new policies and building new roads, but it remains a major issue in the city.

AfiaGhana is a Ghanaian Internet media, news, and entertainment Blog. We publish relevant informative content targeted not just at Africans but for people all around the world.
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