Monday, June 10, 2024

Drinking Green Iced Tea For Weight loss, Bad Breath and Diabetes

Drinking Green Iced Tea For Weight loss

Green tea is consumed worldwide, with over 158 million Americans alone drinking a cup of green tea on any given day. Even though black tea is more popular and consumed around the world, especially in Africa, Green tea beats black tea when it comes down to the benefits one can gain from drinking the tea.

Green tea contains high anti-oxidants and flavonoids that can improve your metabolic process even while you have your intake of water. For a quick summertime beverage, Get your yourself Green Ice Tea.

How To Prepare Green Iced Tea For Weight Loss

Making green iced tea is simple, First, prepare yourself a hot green tea, pour the hot green tea in a glass and then add some ice. Abstain from including any sweeteners such as sugars and syrups. Doing so can obstruct your overall weight loss and health goal.

Drinking Green Iced Tea For Weight loss

Image source: Zingtea

Green tea is considered as the healthiest drink in the world. I know what you might be thinking ” what about ginseng tea and the rest”, Yes there are several healthy drinks and beverages out there, but green tea stands out amongst all of them due to its many health benefits. Green tea is known for preventing some types of cancers, preventing abnormal tumor growth in the body, and reducing blood pressure with regular intake.

Green tea is also very great in aiding with weight loss, if you want to drop a couple of pounds this summer then green tea is the way to go.

Green tea gained most of its popularity over the years due to its weight loss benefits, Weight loss green tea extract pills sold out massively online. and still sells to this day. The majority of its consumers are mostly female. The tea has been one of the most purchased and recommended teas for weight loss since then.

Many brought in great testimonials on how green tea actually helped them lose weight within 3 months or even less. This made the tea even more popular and it’s now currently known as the number 1 weight loss tea.

Popular Green Tea Brands

Drinking Green Iced Tea For Weight loss
  • Yogi Pure Green Tea
  • Salada Green Tea
  • Twinings Green Tea
  • Nomi Organic Green Tea
  • Dilmah Green Tea
  • Marvel Tea Lemon Green Tea
  • Lipton Green Tea

To take in green tea for weight loss, you can try this ice refreshing recipe:


  • 1 teabag of green tea
  • Ice cubes
  • 1/2 sliced lime or lemon
  • 1/2 Ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (optional)


Boil your water till its heated up, add your cut ginger (its best to crush the ginger before adding it) to the boiling water for a 1 minute or 2, Turn off the fire and pour your hot ginger water into a mug containing your green tea bag, let it sit in for about 3 minutes, take out your tea bag and add your sliced lime or lemon with some ice cubes, and enjoy.

Tip: Avoid adding sugar or any artificial sweeteners to your green tea.

Green Iced Tea can be taken alone or consumed with a healthy meal such as vegetable salads, wheat crackers, matcha cookies, and other healthy snacks and meals. Consuming Green Iced tea with at least 2 boiled eggs, 1/2 avocado and 2 slices of wheat bread should be enough meal for the day if your aim is to lose weight fast by drinking green tea.

Want to lose weight drinking Green Iced Tea? Avoid drinking soda and Replace carbonated drinks and beverages with green iced tea to see a massive improvement.

Shocking Truth About Green Tea and Diabetes

Shocking Truth About Green Tea and Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an illness that has gotten to increasing incidence levels in the previous few years and today affects around three hundred million men and women all over the world. This illness includes suffering from increased blood sugar levels in the situation of insulin shots opposition or an incapacity to make insulin.

Research reveals that green tea can enhance insulin sensitiveness and decrease blood sugar levels. Another research in Japanese men and women discovered that individuals who consumed more green tea had a forty-two percent reduced chance of growing type 2 diabetes.

In accordance to an analysis of seven reports with an overall of 286,701 men and women, green tea consumers experienced an eighteen percent reduced risk of getting diabetes.

Green Tea Might Decrease Your Chances of Cardio Disease

Aerobic diseases, such as stroke and heart disease, are the greatest factors of loss of life on the planet. Scientific studies reveal that green tea can easily enhance many of the primary danger aspects for these types of diseases.

This consists of overall cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol. Green tea additionally significantly boosts the anti-oxidant ability of the blood, which in turn shields the LDL cholesterol molecules from oxidization, which is one particular function of the path to heart disease.

Eliminate Bad Breath in 48 hours Using Green Tea

Bad Breath in 48hours Using Green Tea

If you have doubts about the odor of your breath, don’t worry. There are many ways to eliminate bad breath at home. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at one of them.

Detecting whether or not you have bad breath can be hard at times. There are people who think they have bad breath when their breath is completely fairly neutral. Some have awful breath and have no clue. In case you have doubts about your mouth odor, you can simply ask someone you trust for an honest opinion.

Bad breath is known as halitosis, and can be embarrassing and in some instances may even cause anxiety. This is why gum, mints and mouth spray are in store shelves everywhere to help people fight bad breath temporarily. However, temporary methods are not the best ways to eliminate bad breath.

Putting aside the fact that there are certain foods, health conditions, and habits that can contribute to having bad breath, you still need to put in the effort to improve your dental hygiene. Apart from brushing regularly each day, try to consume Green tea twice a day to help eliminate bad odor.

Green tea is a great tea with many oral health benefits. According to a study, antioxidants in green tea aid in fighting numerous causes of bad breath. Especially, the polyphenols which reduces sulfur compounds and oral bacteria that contribute to smelly breath.

Consuming one cup of Green tea a day alone is enough to assist in eliminating bad breath. This is in addition to brushing your teeth and tongue, and taking all your dental care routine.

Note: If simple home remedies do not solve your problem, see your dentist or physician to be sure a more serious condition isn’t causing your bad breath.

AfiaGhana is a Ghanaian Internet media, news, and entertainment Blog. We publish relevant informative content targeted not just at Africans but for people all around the world.
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Diane Aderholt
Diane Aderholt
3 years ago

However, the fact that green tea is different in taste makes many people in India get confused over which green tea brand should be given preference.

Ermelinda Perlman
Ermelinda Perlman
3 years ago

The aroma, flavor, and visual aspects of green tea combine to create hundreds of exciting possibilities to explore, allowing you to engage in ancient traditions from around the planet as you sip your cup of tea.